#Chen Yu-Ren PSO in R v1.0 2012/6/5#
function (x)
100 * (x[2] - x[1]^2)^2 + (1 - x[1])^2
mypso <-
function (fitfun)
p <- 20
phi1 <- 2
phi2 <- 2
w <- 0.5
iter <- 300
lrmax <- 5
lrmin <- -5
dims <- 2
ltemp <- array(runif(dims * p, lrmin, lrmax), dim = c(p,
dims), dimnames = list(paste("p", 1:p, sep = ""), paste("d",
1:dims, sep = "")))
vtemp <- array(runif(dims * p, lrmin/dims, lrmax/dims), dim = c(p,
dims), dimnames = list(paste("p", 1:p, sep = ""), paste("v",
1:dims, sep = "")))
fitv <- apply(ltemp, 1, fitfun)
pb <- ltemp
dimnames(pb)[[2]] <- paste("pb", 1:dims, sep = "")
outtemp <- cbind(ltemp, vtemp, pb, fitv)
outtemp <- outtemp[order(outtemp[, 3 * dims + 1]), ]
for (i in 1:iter) {
vtemp <- w * outtemp[, (dims + 1):(2 * dims)] + phi1 *
runif(dims * p) * (outtemp[, (2 * dims + 1):(3 *
dims)] - outtemp[, 1:dims]) + phi2 * runif(dims *
p) * (array(rep(outtemp[1, 1:dims], each = p), dim = c(p,
dims)) - outtemp[, 1:dims])
vtemp <- pmin(pmax(vtemp, vrmin), vrmax)
ltemp <- outtemp[, 1:dims] + vtemp
ltemp <- pmin(pmax(ltemp, lrmin), lrmax)
fitv <- apply(ltemp, 1, fitfun)
pb <- ifelse(array(rep(fitv < outtemp[, (3 * dims + 1)],
times = 2), dim = c(p, dims)), ltemp, outtemp[, 1:dims])
colnames(pb) <- paste("pb", 1:dims, sep = "")
outtemp <- cbind(ltemp, vtemp, pb, fitv)
outtemp <- outtemp[order(outtemp[, 3 * dims + 1]), ]
sdtemp <- sd(fitv)
if (sdtemp < 1e-05)
list(par = round(outtemp[1, 1:dims], digits = 7), value = outtemp[1,
(3 * dims + 1)], Iteration = i,
`Standard Deviation of Fitness function` = sdtemp)
optim(runif(2, -5, 5), fit, method = "Nelder-Mead")
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